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All about stem changing verbs in German

You have just started learning German and on day two or three your German teacher initiates you into the world of German verb conjugation. You already know that most German verbs have an “en” or “n” ending and when you think you have just got a hang of how German verbs work in the present tense, your teacher wants to draw your attention to these so-called stem-changing verbs.

What is a stem-changing verb ?

Most of the German verbs have a regular conjugation pattern and it means once you have learnt how to conjugate a German verb, it is like you have mastered how the German language works in the present tense.However,there are some verbs which do not follow these rules. You just have to learn their conjugation individually as they undergo a change in the stem vowel in the present tense. The stem vowel change happens only with the second person singular (Du) and the third person singular (Er/Sie/Es) forms.

There are three categories of stem changing verbs in the present tense.

Vowel changes from

  1. Vowel changes from e to i Examples – Essen,Geben,Nehmen,Helfen

2. Vowel changes from e to ie Examples – Sehen,Empfehlen,Lesen,Fernsehen

3. Vowel changes from a to ä Examples – Fahren,Tragen,Waschen,Backen

Here is a list of 20 stem changing verbs you are supposed to be familiar with in the beginners level with example sentences.

Geben (v) to give

Sie gibt mir die Nummer

She is giving me the number

Nehmen (v) to take

Er nimmt die Treppe

He is taking the stairs

Essen (v) to eat

You are eating a cake

Du isst einen Kuchen

Sprechen ( v) to speak

Sam spricht drei Sprachen

Sam speaks three languages

Schalfen (v) to sleep

Julia schläft

Julia t is sleeping

Treffen (v) to meet

Er trifft seine Freundin

He is meeting his girl friend

Helfen (v) to help

Rachel hilft dem alten Mann

Rachel is helping the old man

Lesen (v) to read

Ich lese die Zeitung

I am reading the newspaper

Sehen ( v) to see

Wir sehen ein Video auf Youtube

We are watching a video on Youtube

Aussehen (v) to look,appear

Sie sieht krank aus

She looks sick

Fernsehen (v) to watch tv

Wir sehen abends fern

We watch tv in the evening

Empfehlen (v) to recommend

Welchen Kurs empfiehlt der Lehrer ?

Which course does the teacher recommend ?

Laufen (v) to run,to walk

Er läuft im Park

He is running in the park

Einladen (v) to invite

Wir laden viele Leute zur Party ein

Halten (v) to hold

Sie hält das Ticket in der Hand

Tragen ( v) to wear,to carry

Er trägt einen Anzug

He is wearing a suit

Fallen (v) to fall

Er fällt vom Fahrrad

Lassen (v) to let,to leave

Sie lässt die Kinder draussen spielen

She allows the children to play outside

Fahren (v) to drive,to travel

Er fährt nach Deutschland

Schlagen (v) to hit

Er schlägt seinen Bruder